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Project Journey - The Beginning


Hello everyone! 

We are Hasini, Dhruv and Urvi today we are writing our first post which is this so this post is about our PBL our PBL/Project based learning our topic is water pollution and we are going to tell you our journey till now so on our first day we read a comprehension about a fish swimming in dirty and polluted water from that we got our project topic then we discussed what is water pollution, how and why did we think about Water pollution.

We started off by doing an experiment to know the difference in polluted water and dirty water so we took two glass jars of water and we separated it from pollutants to contaminants. The contaminants were in jar B and pollutants in jar A. We decided to wait for a day and see what will happen to the jars, in the meantime we got an assignment to sort the pollutants and contaminants -in a worksheet with printed jars and we had to draw the stuff we put in them and we also had to write journals everyday and submit it.

We also read a book about water pollution and got to know a lot of things, then we started to think of Ideas to make some Robots and got some ideas to make a Robot that will clean the water. Yes! You read it right...A Robot to clean water, keeping in mind all environment friendly materials or reusable ones. 

We also thought about spreading awareness. We are discussing and coming up with new ideas everyday. Wow! It’s so much fun..

Keep reading for more updates.

Hasini, Dhruv and Urvi

Grade 4B, Keystonian
