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Showing posts from February, 2021

Poster to Save Water

Poster by me - Akshaya to save water.   

Causes and Effects of water pollution

  Hi there readers  Today, let us look at the Causes and Effects of Water Pollution so that we can do something to minimize it. First I am going to tell  you about the causes. Causes Tons of garbage is thrown near the beaches and oceans. The toxic from the farms , factories and town mixes with the water making it very dirty. When you wash your clothes you use detergent , which again pollutes the water. Now it’s time for the effects. Effects It kills the water animal. It pollutes the water and the beaches. It does not only kill the water animals but it even makes us ill. Thank you for reading the post! And don’t forget to use less plastic or reuse it ,so the water animals can be happy and keep swimming.

My Design - First Line of Defence - By Pari

  Design name = Beach Entrance Scanner For Plastic (BESP) The design is about protecting the  water from plastic pollution. The machine can be placed at the  entrance of the beach or water front . It has doors which are like vertical  blinds. The doors will have a scanner,  speaker and a plastic collecting area  with guards assigned at them . Whenever the person will stand on the  sensor . The doors will get activated.  The scanners scan if there are any  plastic been carried with the person.  The speakers will have a recorded  command which will request them to put  the plastic in the plastic collection  area . The doors will only open when  the person is plastic free. The  machine will work with solar energy and  solar panels will be fixed at each   blind/door.   This project de...

The PII Strategy

 Hey Readers! Today we are going to share the PII for our project. Confused, what's PII ??? Let us tell you P - Positive I - Improvement  I - Interesting.  So here you go! Urvi P -  The good thing is that we are saving water and getting a chance to learn something new. I - The thing we can improve is that instead of 4 plastics bottles a s base we can put 2 plastic bottles. Well, we are anyways reusing so may be we can use two. I - The robot we are making is interesting which is going to help clean water surface. Hasini P -the good thing is that we thought of this water pollution because we thought of reducing water pollution can help taking care of the environment I -the improvement that we could do is that a wireless remote. I- the i nteresting part is the boat making together in school with all our friends P - we are helping the environment. I - we can improve our speed of progress. I - the design is really cool and fun to make. Regards, Urvi, Dhruv and Hasini

Experience of us going to school after the Pandemic!

 Hey readers, After so long we have finally came to school and met our friends, (but some could not come) we came together to school to finish our Water guardian 2.0 (yes, that's the name for our water cleaning boat) which cleans the water from plastic and trash in the water bodies.  It is fun and exciting as we did our conveyor belt, base, propellers and the prototype remote. We got to use a drill to make the poles for the conveyor belt. The experience was exhilarating!.  Then we put all the parts together, except for the propellers, because they might break if you put them down. Since we have done all the work we are typing this very blog for you readers. Thank you      by    Joshika, Dhruv, Urvi,  Hasini and Arjun   Sharing some pics (Pictures clicked by Dhruv) (That's me with Ajay Sir) All of us - Water Guardians along with our teachers Arjun and me! With the new normal - wearing masks Doing some research work Making of the Conveyor ...

Project Journey - The Beginning

  Hello everyone!  We are Hasini, Dhruv and Urvi today we are writing our first post which is this so this post is about our PBL our PBL/Project based learning our topic is water pollution and we are going to tell you our journey till now so on our first day we read a comprehension about a fish swimming in dirty and polluted water from that we got our project topic then we discussed what is water pollution, how and why did we think about Water pollution. We started off by doing an experiment to know the difference in polluted water and dirty water so we took two glass jars of water and we separated it from pollutants to contaminants. The contaminants were in jar B and pollutants in jar A . We decided to wait for a day and see what will happen to the jars, in the meantime we got an assignment to sort the pollutants and contaminants -in a worksheet with printed jars and we had to draw the stuff we put in them and we also had to write journals everyday and submit it. We also re...

Ganga River Cleaning Project Research Work and Findings

 Hello Dear Readers We did our research and came across the polluted river in India. It was sad to see holy river Ganga as one of the most polluted one.  We also learnt the project to clean river Ganga has been conducted. It was called ' Namami Gange  Programme'. The project of cleaning India largest river was a lot of work but was a great success.  The main aim of this project was clean the river and conserve it.  Ganga  is much  cleaner now  but it will take more than a lockdown for people to be able to drink from India's holiest river. According to the Central Pollution Control Board, the nationwide lockdown imposed on March 25 has helped improve the quality of  Ganga  water WHY All of the sewage in India goes to ganga river, people didn't care  about the fish until it affected them. Because of 40% of India using river ganga water the many people relied on it, many people died because of the water is polluted. HOW A photographer ...

Let's take a Step to Stop Water Pollution

  Dear Blog Readers, Today the topic is water pollution. Let’s think about water pollution. Water pollution means when  garbage, chemicals and plastic are put in any type of water body.  We are making this blog so people know how much they have destroyed mother earth. We all know that only 1% of earth's water is clean and fresh and if we pollute that too we would not have any water to drink. So I hope that whoever reads this knows how much damage they have done to mother earth. Now back to water pollution. Water pollution is not only done by humans, even natural things can pollute the water like animal waste and volcanic eruption. These two are not the only natural things that pollute the water. Types of water pollution, one of them is contaminating the water and the second is polluting . The things that make the water dirty are dirt , sand ,coal e.t.c.. The things that pollute the water are oil , plastic , grease ,e.t.c We all know polluting water is very dangerous beca...

Padlet Link of All our Designs

 Hey there Readers! Today's PBL Class was fun because we all shared our ideas and design for the project.  Here is the Padlet Link of all our designs. Wonder whose design will be the best! May be we will pick some ideas from each of the designs and come up with a final product.  Hope you enjoy looking at our designs. See you later! Grade 4 Water Guardians

My idea to stop water pollution by Anish

 Hi readers Today I am gonna tell you about my idea to stop water pollution. So I thought that if we made a submarine that could dive clean the water body. Would that work so it has a huge hole so that garbage ,plastic etc. Would go into it the machine would have four hands to free any fish in case they are stuck.  The machine would have propellers to go backward and forward. Thanks for reading Anish 

Harmful effects of Water Pollution

 Hi everyone  Today we discussed about how water pollution harms water. Water pollution  happens when toxic substances enter  water  bodies such as lakes, rivers, oceans and so on, getting dissolved in them, lying suspended in the  water  or depositing on the bed. This degrades the quality of  water . Water pollution  can cause many effects on the environment, like acid rain and oil spills.  Water pollution doesn't  just affect the environment. If drinking water contains unsafe levels of contaminants, it can cause health effects , such as gastrointestinal illnesses, nervous system or reproductive effects , and chronic diseases such as cancer. ; it also affects people and other animals. ...  When  an oil spill  occurs , it kills thousands of fish. Fish can't breathe the  polluted water . Hence, we Keystonians decided to do something about this and minimize water pollution.  Thank you. Anish